Sunday, November 10, 2013

More about Me

I've always been the type that's wanted to care for someone.

I would do anything to make someone happy that's why I always knew I would be a great friend a good girlfriend and an awesome wife.

But getting involved with someone was never my strong point.  It's always been the wrong timing.
Someone would want to be involved with me but I'd be too scared or just not ready or I'd be completely ready but no one would be thinking about a relationship when I was.

I'd talk to people and try to get a feel for them but then they'd leave once we'd have sex.  So then that started turning me into the girl I am today.  Horrible horrible horrible!

After a long string of every temporary guy, I started being that temporary girl.  I'd meet a very nice man and not intentionally but all I'd ever want is sex.

I've never been the type to want for anything but everyone would want something from me.
I  started to change into a person I'd never wanted to be.  I hate the person I am today.

But inside, I know I'm still that girl that just wants to love care respect and support that one man that wants and needs me just like I do him.  I love to please and nurture.  I love to cook and amongst other things. And in return all I want is your time.  Whenever you'd have it. I don't ask for much just some honesty and understanding.

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