Thursday, November 7, 2013

Just About me

There's nothing special about me
I get another year older but nothing special
I don't go out I don't party I barely even drink and I don't smoke
I don't really communicate so I don't have friends
I have 3 tattoos and still counting
I love pain I had a lot of piercings but once I joined the reserves
I had to get rid of them
I have about three jobs in total
I want to go back to school so that's what I'm in transit to do
I'm a hopeless romantic and honestly really scared to be in a relationship
I hear most guys say they want a woman that's their equal of some sort
but I'm here to tell you I probably won't be her and that's probably
why no one wants to commit to me
I still live at home with my parents and siblings
However I do drive and I make my own car payments and everything
else that I need I pay for with my hard earned monies
I don't have any children and I feel like I'm writing all my negatives
but that's just to let you know about myself in all the possible angles
I love to watch porn...lesbian and male porn I just started watching
bestiality really...I love giving and it's hard for me to take in every
aspect of that saying....I was always taught that if I can't get it I don't
need I kinda keep to that...I think that's about everything to this
simplex girl


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