Monday, November 3, 2014

The "D"

I'm making this Title like a play on words(a pun if you will) lol because I honestly forgot this dudes name, I just remember it started with a D lol and I could be wrong but not like it matters.

Even though he did cross my mind on this day.  And the significance is because of his lips.  I somehow ran across his IG maybe or something a while back.  And this guy was extremely handsome.  So I searched for this Facebook page(when I did have one) and hit him up.  I was nervous because I automatically knew he wouldn't write me back.  Like I'm mediocre as hell and he was just so fine.  We wrote each other back and forth and I think my initial message was: your lips are amazing.  Or something along those lines.

Long story short he said I should taste them and I agreed.  He gave me his number and we began texting.  He might have been the same day or maybe the next but I eventually gave him my address and he came over. When I met him outside it was a nice night and he was leaning up against his car.  We had general conversations and I swore up and down he was a tad tipsy lol but let him tell it...he wasn't.  Anyhow after conversing of course it was getting late and I was tired and began for the house ended it with a goodnight.  He said, "so I can't get a hug at least?" and I laughed and was like, "I guess." I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek even though those thick juicy lips were definitely on my mind.  He was tall, dark and gorgeous and the way he stood over me was just consuming.  He grabbed me and went in for the kill.  When our lips connected it was just that magic I just always dreamed of, I knew I wanted to fuck him right then.  It was just a connection I just didn't feel in a long time, I felt wanted possibly even needed.  But it won't that deep lol.

That same night he admitted that kiss did something to him as well.  Like it was meant for our lips to be together.  He wanted to fuck me right then as well.  As time went on we planned and planned to eventually get together and just get it done.  But every time he played me out.  I grew to not care anymore but still wanted to know what the "D" was like because when he sent me the Dick Pic I was like, "yes lawd (in my drake voice)" lol.

Long story short with this, He finally made time for me one night/morning.  He left me hanging that night but showed up in the morning.  I guess he had duty or something maybe he showed up tired as hell.  You know when I look back on this, I wish it would've happened on better terms lol.  He fell asleep on the couch while I got ready for the day.  After I had my clothes on ready to go he eventually woke up and told me to sit on his lap.  He apologized for leaving me hanging but I honestly didn't care.  I don't know exactly how we ended up on the bed but that's where we were when he somehow started between my legs.  Licking my pussy...yeah it was nice but I wanted his dick in my mouth.  so I pushed him off.  He started up towards my face and put his dick in my mouth.  Fucking my mouth and throat so good.  He tasted amazing just like his lips did the first time.  He eventually fucked me and the way he did it made me feel like a fucking object...a slut bucket if you will smh.  Yeah that was the one and only time I slept with this man.  Like his dick was nice but I guess that connection just wasn't what it was.

All well that ends well

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