Monday, November 3, 2014

...almost believed in love again

This is for you babe.

We met in January and all we were supposed to do that night was Netflix and cuddle.  But it was more like pick a movie from the collection and cuddle lol.  The later it got that night the more touchy you became.  You rubbing on my breast and thighs and stomach made me extremely hot for you.  But I didn't want to fuck you because I just didn't want to take it that far.

We did the hanging out thing again and the same rubbing and touching occurred the later it got.  You were so nonchalant when I texted you the same night and told you how much you made me consistently want you.  You reminded me that there was no rush but the next time we saw each other, we fucked lol. Funny how things work out.

When I got pregnant in February and asked you did you want to hear something funny, you listened and the first thing you said was, well I can only have boys.  I laughed and texted back, that you weren't the one that got me pregnant so no worries.  I did mention that I wasn't keeping it but I guess while I was pregnant you wanted to take complete advantage of what you had.  That night we fucked, you told me how bad you wanted to cum inside of me.  You asked me and I said no.  I know you were a little upset because so was I.

The reason for this blog as well as its significance to me.  You almost made me believe in love again.
Although the kisses we eventually gave each other didn't feel like anything for me.  Your company alone made my life a whole lot better.  You treated me with so much respect and want that over the course of time I really began to confess my love for and about you.  You knew exactly what to do even on the worse days.  You brought so much light to my life.

This is pretty much an apology letter that you will never see.  Once I began to feel these feelings I knew for a fact you didn't feel the same and I began to separate myself from you.  I know you could feel it.  From the flowers you bought to me to the outings to the sex and your sexy as moans(oooooooo) to the giving the keys to your apartment.  I felt like you were everything I ever needed after so long of not knowing.  You felt right and I just knew it wouldn't last.  I'm sorry for everything I ever I did or didn't do or said or didn't say.  But you have to own up too. 

I can't wait to find my Mr. Wonderful!!!!

R.I.P to past relations
June-July we ended

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