Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How I been feeling

I haven't been good lately and felt like I should just get this off my chest.

Nothing has been seeming to go the way I'd like not necessarily planned.

Just all the working and getting nowhere the still haven't been able to go back to school

thing is killing me emotionally.  And the fact these fucking humans just keep pissing me

off just makes me madder.  Haven't had my car in sometime now.  The feeling lonely

every day and every night.  I just don't have the support system I'm needing.

Honestly how I been feeling is pretty much like dying.

I figured if I wasn't here any longer I would be at peace but suicide would just

be the easy way out right?  smh....I guess.  But I think about it every day.

From the consistent financial obligations and to the emotional attachment I don't have.

 I just feel empty.  Wanting to be happy for my girl and her first child but I can only be

so happy because I'm stuck on jealousy.  Yeah shit is real but I'm living.  Life is not hard

it's just the people in it that makes me feel like it is.  Not having a chance at anything better.

Yeah I hate myself and I hate my life but it's mines...I wouldn't want anyone else living it.